If you happened upon this webpage and are a student taking one of my online mathematics classes at Clark College in Vancouver WA, all class information is in Canvas including the Syllabus and Calendar which are also available below, as a convenience, to read pre-term or prior to registering for the class.

GO TO CLASS ⇒ Canvas


Syllabus for Keely's Mathematics Courses at Clark

The syllabus contains essential information, course requirements and policies, and grading practices. Hyperlinked and accessible, this document provides key guidance to the class. Read it carefully. Refer to it often!


Your online class is organized into ten units of material. Refer to the modules in Canvas for detailed content matter. Each Class Calendar contains a printable list of deadlines and the sections we cover each unit in the e-textbook for easy reference.

Fall 2024

152 CLASS CALENDAR (#3149, #3150)

153 CLASS CALENDAR (#3152)


Winter: 095 (#2718), 152 (#2773, #2774)

Spring: 095 (#2699), 152 (#2743), 153 (#2746)